Web news, September 2024:

PICit A/S supplies DFDS in Belgium with MMT Production Logistics Systems

Aarhus, Denmark | Ghent, Belgium 

We are very proud to announce that PICit A/S is supplying DFDS and their Mercatordok Multimodal Terminal in Ghent Belgium with production logistics modules.

To support the customer’s standard TOS (GTMS) in integrating with external production systems, PICit A/S has developed TOS modules for rail operations, trailer yard planning, and truck and tug operations, making it possible for the systems to work in synergy.

Currently we are working to strengthen the reuse of data and integrating the system with the community. We are also focusing on planning for further new initiatives.

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO of PICit A/S, states: “To experience the positive reactions from DFDS and the team in Belgium has been fantastic, they have adapted to our system very fast. Thanks to Jelle van Koevorden, Managing & Route Director Belgium (DFDS), and Yannick Maes, Terminal Manager, Ghent (DFDS), for trusting PICit A/S. Also, a big thank you to the DFDS team with Project Coordinators Jens Vellemans and Ticho Temmerman, and Terminal Services Manager Eline Bocken for the good work on preparing and implementing PICit A/S systems.”

Jelle van Koevorden, states: “PICit has proven to be the right partner for our Just In Time and Just In Sequence production logistics services. It’s very dynamic, user-friendly and more importantly: DFDS-customer friendly. PICit provides the right transparency to continuously improve our flows and scale up our service level. Another important advantage is that the PICit system has shown it can perfectly work in synergy with existing DFDS in-house core terminal operating systems.”

Web news, August 2024:

PICit Receives Strategic Growth Investment from Arcadea Group

Aarhus, Denmark | Toronto, Canada | Orlando, USA 

PICit A/S, a leader in port, rail, and intermodal logistics management software, announces its strategic growth investment from Arcadea Group, a preeminent, permanent-hold investor in global software businesses. The partnership with Arcadea Group will be focused on continuing strong growth in domestic and international markets, and accelerating product development.

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO of PICit, will continue in his role, and retain a major equity stake in the business. Additionally, Karsten Gitter and Stig Rune Skaarup as well as the entire team at PICit will also continue with the business.

Henrik Højen Andersen had this to say about the investment: “We believe that we have found the perfect partner in Arcadea Group, who will be able to contribute to PICit’s future growth and development. Arcadea Group is a strong and experienced private equity firm, which will enable PICit A/S to develop the business faster and better with operational and strategic expertise from Arcadea.” 

Paul Yancich, Managing Director of Arcadea Group, added: “PICit is our second investment in Denmark since inception, and our fourth in the rail & logistics sector this year. Being highly active participants in the industry, we came to know about PICit via it’s world-class customer base and reputation in a landscape that is primarily characterized by horizontal providers or PE-owned assets. As we’ve learned in our other investments in the sector, customers prioritize long-term stability and aggressive product development, characteristics that we see in PICit and will work hard to further enhance over the decades to come.”

Daniel Eisen, Managing Director of Arcadea Group, commented: “PICit A/S is a well-established company that is now ready to go to the next level. With strong organic growth and a customer-first culture, we are happy to support the company, its customers and team for the long-term.” 

About PICit A/S
PICit is located at the Port of Aarhus and focuses on development, implementation, support, and operation of information logistics solutions. PICit provides a shared, real-time information platform that binds all transport parties together in an information network, creating a community.

About Arcadea Group
Arcadea Group invests in high-quality, strongly growing software companies over extremely long durations. Based in Toronto and investing globally, Arcadea leverages its significant permanent capital base to focus exclusively on businesses with long-term potential and ambitions. 


Web news, December 2023:

PICit & Banedanmark UTRUM-RID

We are continuing our collaboration with Banedanmark with the delivery of a new IT-system. As of October 2023, PICit A/S has entered into an agreement with Banedanmark regarding the delivery of a new UTRUM-RID system. The new UTRUM-RID system will be used to register UT profiles and issuance of transport permits. The system will also hold modules for surveillance of transport of dangerous goods on the Danish rail network and will be developed as a Software as a Service solution, focusing on flexibility.

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO at PICit A/S, states: “We are very proud that Banedanmark has chosen PICit A/S as supplier of the UTRUM RID real-time SaaS solution. We are looking forward to the project and to continue the work with Banedanmark.”


Web news, September 2023:

ISO/IEC 27001 & NIS2

Several of our customers work with critical infrastructure and therefore look into a future that is characterized by the extensive security requirements set out in the EU directive, NIS2, which becomes effective at the end of 2024. In that connection, we at PICit have already started the work with the ISO/IEC 27001 certification – an international management standard for information security. We already follow many of the principles of the certification, and as we learn new things and move forward in the process, we are constantly getting better.

In connection with the certification, we have employed Cornelia, who was previously an intern and project employee at PICit. She has been given the task of leading the ISO/IEC 27001 certification and the preparation for NIS2 next year. We are so happy to have her back at the office again.


Web news, August 2023:

Scale up with PICit

Back in February our Norwegian customer, Onrail, expanded their business, which meant that Onrail went from handling a single daily route, to handling multiple daily routes. The increase in number of routes also led to an increase in number of employees, and Onrail went from having 10 employees to having around 100 employees in a very short period of time.

In April 2021, Onrail began using our Booking Order Management System (BOMS), which is a web solution that covers booking for trains as well as a related module for invoicing. The solution is simple to use and timesaving for both the railway company and their customers. The simpleness of BOMS also means that it has been a relatively easy process for Onrail to train new colleagues in using BOMS.

Founder and CEO, Henning Aandal, says: “Onrail is experiencing strong growth. We now run daily freight trains from Oslo to both Bergen, Stavanger, Åndalsnes and Trondheim. PICit is a good partner, who turns around quickly when our needs change”.

At PICit we are proud that we are able to stand by our customers when they wish to scale up their business. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for Onrail.


Web news, July 2022:

PICit A/S & Fredericia Shipping A/S

Hos PICit er vi begejstrede for at kunne dele, at Fredericia Shipping A/S har påbegyndt brugen af vores Transport Order Management System (TOMS).

TOMS opfylder transportvirksomheders behov for real-time systemer, der kan digitalisere dagligdagen og er tidsbesparende for både kontorpersonale og chauffører.

I forlængelse af opstartsfasen har vi spurgt Logistikchef ved Fredericia Shipping A/S, Morten Korspang, hvad han og hans kollegaer synes om PICit og TOMS. Nedenfor kan du læse mere om hvad han sagde.

Hvorfor valgte I PICit?
Vi valgte PICit, da de i forvejen er leverandør til os. Vi havde af et par omgange talt med PICit omkring udfordringer med manglende digitalisering i vores logistik, og vi havde brug for en leverandør, som kunne forstå vores behov og udvikle et system til vores mange forskellige opgaver inden for transport.

Hvordan synes I opstartsfasen med PICit har været?
Både opstarts- og udviklingsfasen med PICit har været yderst positiv. Lige fra første møde med TOMS-teamet havde vi en god fornemmelse af, at det var det rette valg. Vi havde mange ønsker og udfordringer, som alle blev anerkendt med beskeden: ”Det kan vi godt”.

Selve overgangen fra vores tidligere system til PICit’s TOMS var en smule hård, forstået således at vi alle skulle lære at bruge et nyt system. Det var både kontorpersonale og chauffører, som skulle lære at arbejde på en ny, digital måde. Vi havde 14 meget hårde dage, men opbakningen og fejlretningen fra PICit var helt i top – fra tidlig morgen til sen aften.

Hvordan påvirker brugen af TOMS jeres daglige arbejdsgang?
TOMS har flyttet meget i vores hverdag, hvor vi nu har fået en helt ny arbejdsgang. Vi er gået fra kun at have papir, til nu at have alt samlet i app. Det har sparet os for meget papirarbejde, og dermed undgår vi også papir som skal flyttes fra bord til bord. Vi har fået et meget bedre overblik, både over arbejdsdagen, men også over fremtidige bookinger. Vores kunder har deres eget login, hvorfra de kan oprette bookinger, følge egne bookinger og rette evt. manglende oplysninger.

Hvordan oplever I kundeservicen hos PICit?
PICit’s kundeservice har været helt i top. Vi har haft en del hastende rettelser, som altid er blevet løst meget hurtigt. Teamet bag TOMS har virkelig gjort en kæmpe indsats for at udvikle dette produkt.

Kan I anbefale TOMS til andre?
TOMS er et produkt, som kan benyttes af andre i transportbranchen. Jeg vil helt klart anbefale TOMS til andre, da det er letanvendeligt og samtidig også kan effektivisere arbejdsgange. Generelt en kæmpe ros til PICit og TOMS-teamet som virkelig har ydet (og stadig yder) en kæmpe indsats for TOMS.

Vi bliver enormt stolte når vi hos PICit modtager tilbagemeldinger som denne. Et godt samarbejde har banet vejen for, at vi i fællesskab er nået i mål og har fået TOMS op at køre hos Fredericia Shipping A/S.


Web news, March 2022:

PICit A/S & DFDS Esbjerg

Hos PICit A/S har vi glædet os meget til at kunne dele opstarten af en ny kunde. Denne gang er det DFDS i Esbjerg, der har påbegyndt brugen af vores Import Manifest System til toldbehandling.

I forlængelse af opstartsfasen har vi spurgt Customs Teamleader, Anna Friis-Skovbjerg, hvad hende og hendes kollegaer synes om PICit og Import Manifest Systemet. Nedenfor kan du læse mere om, hvad hun sagde.

Hvorfor valgte I PICit?
I forbindelse med Brexit samt oprettelsen af en ny toldafdeling i Esbjerg, gik vi i gang med at undersøge, hvordan vi nemmest muligt kunne løse vores Import Manifest opgaver. I den forbindelse anbefalede en kunde af PICit, at vi kiggede nærmere på jeres løsning.

Hvordan synes I opstartsfasen med PICit har været?
Det har været en god og tryg opstartsfase. De ”børnesygdomme” der opstod i løbet af den første uge, blev der hurtigt fundet løsninger på og efterfølgende taget hånd om.

Hvordan påvirker brugen af PICit Import Manifest System jeres daglige arbejdsgang?
Det er nemt og simpelt at rette, slette og tilføje data i systemet. Vi sparer meget tid på, at man nemt kan rette mange detaljer på én gang, hvilket vi ikke tidligere har været vant til.

Systemet virker simpelt og overskueligt, og til trods for den simple struktur, oplever vi ikke at der mangler funktioner. Der er mange muligheder og smarte løsninger i systemet. Det er nemt at frigive, og det er dejligt, at dette kan gøres automatisk nu – her sparer vi nemlig også en hel del tid til dagligt.

Hvordan oplever I kundeservicen hos PICit?
Generelt er vi meget begejstret for jeres hurtige assistance. Vi oplever at det er nemt og hurtigt at få hjælp, når vi har haft brug for det.

Det har været en fornøjelse at arbejde med PICit’s Customs Team. Stor ros herfra for deres måde at gå til en kunde på. De er meget professionelle, forklarer stille og roligt, og svarer omhyggeligt på alle vores spørgsmål.

Kan I anbefale PICit Import Manifest System til andre?
Vi er i øjeblikket i gang med oplæring af alle medarbejdere, og det generelle indtryk er, at alle hurtigt fanger systemets opbygning og relativt smertefrit bliver selvkørende. Alle virker meget begejstrede for systemet.

Vi er enormt stolte af at modtage denne positive tilbagemelding. Hos PICit tror vi på, at kommunikation og godt samarbejde baner vejen for at nå i mål.


Web news, January 2022:

// English below

PICit A/S & NorthSea Terminal AS i Brevik indgår aftale om leverance af TOS, GOS og Estimate M&R system.

PICit A/S vil i den kommende periode arbejde tæt sammen med NorthSea Terminal AS i Brevik, om implementering af PICits løsninger til terminal og depot drift. Desuden indeholder aftalen leverance af PICits Estimate M&R system samt yderligere to depotsystemer.

I forbindelse med indgåelse af aftalen, siger Thorbjørn Aasig Lund Lippestad, Managing Director hos NorthSea Terminal AS: ”I løbet af det kommende år, vil vi samle vores operative systemer i ét under PICit og få mulighed for integration til vores kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Vi forventer at det vil gøre brugeroplevelsen og totalløsningen bedre, for både ansatte og kunder hos NorthSea Terminal. Samtidig vil PICit være med til at bringe os et skridt fremad, i forhold til automatisering og digitalisering.”

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO hos PICit A/S, siger følgende om aftalen: ”Implementering af PICits forretningskritiske systemer kræver grundig forberedelse, og vi har været i gang gennem længere tid. Vi oplever et meget engageret personale hos NorthSea Terminal, med et meget højt fagligt niveau. Kunderne til NorthSea Terminal AS i Brevik vil opleve øget digitalisering og genbrug af data, som vil medvirke til at lette arbejdsgange. Vi glæder os meget til, at vi sammen går en spændende tid i møde.”


PICit A/S & NorthSea Terminal AS in Brevik enter into an agreement of the delivery of TOS, GOS and Estimate M&R system.

PICit A/S will in the next period of time work closely together with NorthSea Terminal AS in Brevik, on the implementation of PICit’s solutions for terminal and depot operations. In addition, the agreement includes the delivery of PICit’s Estimate M&R system as well as two additional depot systems.

In connection with the signing of the agreement, Thorbjørn Aasig Lund Lippestad, Managing Director at NorthSea Terminal AS says: “During this year, we will bring our operating systems together under PICit and have the opportunity to establish integration to our customers and business partners. We expect that it will make the user experience and the total solution better, for both employees and customers at NorthSea Terminal AS. At the same time, PICit will help bring us a step forward, in terms of automation and digitalization.”

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO at PICit A/S, says the following about the agreement: “Implementing PICit’s business-critical systems requires thorough preparation, and we have been working on this through a longer period of time. We experience a very committed staff at NorthSea Terminal AS, with a very high professional level. Customers of NorthSea Terminal AS in Brevik will experience increased digitalization and reuse of data, which will help facilitate workflows. We are very much looking forward to an exciting time together.”

Photo: Thorbjørn Aasig Lund Lippestad, Managing Director NorthSea Terminal AS & Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO PICit A/S.


Web news, August 2021:

PICit & Onrail

At PICit, we are almost on the other side of the summer holidays, which means that we are ready to share some great news. Back in April, our new customer, Onrail, began using our new Booking Order Management System (BOMS).

BOMS is a new web solution that covers booking for trains as well as a related module for invoicing. The solution is simple to use and timesaving for both the railway company and their customers.

Onrail is a Norwegian railway company running the freight of both containers and trailers between Oslo and Åndalsnes.

At PICit we are very proud to be able to deliver a new system to a new customer, within a short time frame and during the times of COVID-19, making travelling complicated. In continuation of the Go-Live phase, we have asked Onrail what they think about PICit and our new Booking Order Management System (BOMS). You can read the answers below:

Why did you choose PICit?
We chose to collaborate with PICit because our customers had recommended PICit and their systems, prior to the startup of Onrail. Our customers feel that PICit’s systems are simple and easy to understand. 

Due to COVID-19, the communication between Onrail and PICit has solely been digital. How do you think that has been?
Because of the pandemic, it has been difficult to travel between Denmark and Norway, so we have never met any of the employees at PICit in person. However, we do not feel that it has been necessary to us to meet in person, because our regular meetings via Microsoft Teams have been very effective.

How do you think the start-up phase with PICit has been?
With the Booking Order Management System (BOMS) it is possible to adjust the system to smaller companies. It has been very exciting to be the guinea pig of a partially new software. The system has been working great and when we have requested any corrections, they have been corrected fast. Furthermore, we see it as an advantage, that PICit knows how the railway industry works in Norway.

How does the use of BOMS influence your and your customers’ daily work procedure?
It is important to us and our customers that the systems we use feel safe and that they are easy to use. Both Onrail and our customers experience that booking, invoicing and generation of brake notes happen fast and with very few keystrokes.

How do you experience the customer service at PICit?
The customer service has been amazing! Our contact person at PICit is fast and helpful, with e-mail as the primary way of communicating. It has also been great to experience, that PICit has listened to Onrail’s suggestions to ways of improving BOMS even more, along the way. In collaboration with PICit, we are currently investigating the possibilities for the Booking Order Management System to become even better on mobile devices.

Can you recommend BOMS to others?
Yes, we can recommend BOMS to others. The process with PICit has been fast and effective, and BOMS is very easy to use.

At PICit we are very proud to receive such positive feedback. Through continuous communication and teamwork, we have succeeded in quickly getting the system up and running.


Web news, May 2021:

PICit og Bøje Kran & Maskintransport A/S: Digitalisering af arbejdsdagen

Hos PICit er vi endnu engang stolte over, at kunne dele opstarten af en ny kunde. Denne gang er det Bøje Kran & Maskintransport, der har påbegyndt brugen af vores nye Transport Order Management System (TOMS).

TOMS opfylder transportvirksomheders behov for real-time systemer, der kan digitalisere dagligdagen, fra ordre til faktura, og med mobil adgang for chauffører. Dette er tidsbesparende for både indoor og outdoor personale.

Hos Bøje er de specialister i kran- og maskintransport og kan løse stort set alle opgaver inden for transport. I forlængelse af opstartsfasen, var to af vores udviklere fra TOMS-teamet, Daniel og Kristoffer, på besøg hos Bøje Kran & Maskintransport. Her fortalte direktør Thomas Bøje, hvad han og hans ansatte synes om PICit og TOMS. Svarene kan læses nedenfor:

Hvorfor var det relevant for Bøje Kran & Maskintransport at indgå i et samarbejde med PICit?
Hos Bøje Kran & Maskintransport havde vi et ønske om, at optimere vores arbejdsgange og -processer, for at gøre arbejdet lettere og for at mindske det administrative tidsforbrug på kontoret. Vi ønskede et hurtigere system, som kunne være med til at lette vores arbejde.

Hvordan synes I opstartsfasen med PICit har været?
Opstartsfasen er gået rigtig fint og PICit har gjort det godt. Det har været rigtig godt, at der gennem hele forløbet har været god kommunikation omkring opdateringer og lignende.

Hvordan påvirker brugen af TOMS jeres daglige arbejdsgang?
Papiret på skrivebordet er stort set forsvundet, det er minimalt, hvad der er tilbage.

Chaufførerne er rigtig glade for systemet og det fungerer rigtig godt, at de selv kan lægge data direkte ind i systemet via mobil/tablet. Ligeledes er det blevet meget nemmere med fakturering, da fakturaerne nu blot skal sendes ud.

Hvordan oplever I kundeservicen hos PICit?
Vi har jævnligt været i dialog med TOMS-teamet og der er kun godt at sige. Vi har været rigtig glade for tilgængeligheden og den hjælp vi har fået undervejs.

Kan I anbefale TOMS til andre?
Ja, det kan vi – det fungerer godt og er enkelt at anvende.

Vi bliver meget stolte, når vi hos PICit modtager tilbagemeldinger som denne. Kommunikation og godt samarbejde har banet vejen for, at vi i fællesskab er nået i mål og har fået systemet op at køre.


Web news, February 2021:

PICit & Eimskip Denmark A/S

Hos PICit er vi kommet godt i gang med det nye år, og det er derfor tid til, at vi med stolthed kan dele, at vi i december 2020 gik live med vores kunde, Eimskip Denmark A/S, som nu anvender vores Toldmodul til import og eksport tolddokumenter samt manifest løsninger.

Vi er enormt stolte over at indgå i et internationalt projekt med Eimskip Denmark A/S som kunde. Projektet er foregået på tværs af landegrænser, og kommunikationen har derfor primært foregået online. Samarbejdet med Eimskips danske og islandske afdelinger har været helt fantastisk.

I forlængelse af opstartsfasen har vi spurgt Customs Manager hos Eimskip Denmark A/S, Rikke Bredahl, hvad hun og hendes kollegaer synes om PICit og vores toldsystemer. Svarene kan læses nedenfor:

Hvorfor valgte I PICit?
Vi valgte PICit, da vi i forvejen kendte deres terminalsystem fra Aarhus Havn samt fra et tidligere projekt, som de har lavet i samarbejde med vores firma. Vi kendte derfor til deres engagement i deres opgaver og kunder, samt viljen til at udvikle deres systemer.

Hvordan synes I PICit adskiller sig fra konkurrerende virksomheder?
De er utrolig detaljeorienteret og de yder en fantastisk kundeservice. PICit er også gode til at lytte til, hvad vi som virksomhed har brug for, og derefter komme med løsninger og forslag til hvordan vi gør det bedst muligt.

Hvordan synes I opstartsfasen med PICit har været?
Det er gået over alt forventning. Der har selvfølgelig været et par bump på vejen, hvilket der jo vil være, når man implementerer nye systemer. Men igennem dialog, samarbejde og fælles forståelse har vi hurtigt fået det hele op at køre, uden det har påvirket vores arbejdsgang.

Hvordan påvirker brugen af PICit Toldsystemer jeres daglige arbejdsgang?
Det er klart, at i en opstartsfase går tingene bare lidt langsommere, da det er en ny måde at arbejde på i forhold til vores gamle toldsystem. Dog mærker vi allerede nu, en klar forbedring i arbejdstempo og registrering af tolddokumenter, hvilket også gør at vi står stærkt i toldarbejdet og dermed hurtigere kan løse vores kunders toldopgaver.

Hvordan oplever I kundeservicen hos PICit?
Vi er meget imponerede over deres måde at gå til opgaverne på. De har et utroligt engagement, en stor viden om IT og en stålfast vilje til at løse opgaverne for at tilfredsstille os som kunder. Dertil kommer, at når vi stiller en masse dumme spørgsmål, kommer de hurtigt retur med et svar og et løsningsforslag.

Vores skift af toldsystem har involveret mange mennesker, både vores kollegaer hos Eimskip Island, vores IT-support Advania Island, vores toldafdeling hos Eimskip Denmark A/S og selvfølgelig PICit. Dog har PICit formået at styrke relationerne på tværs af Nordatlanten, og gjort både vores kollegaer på Island samt vores toldafdeling i Danmark, trygge ved at skifte toldsystem – et system som jo er livsnerven i en toldafdeling.

Kan I anbefale PICit Toldsystemer til andre?
Det kan vi i hvert fald, vi har kun rosende ord tilovers for PICit og deres told-team.

Hos PICit er vi meget stolte over at modtage denne fine tilbagemelding fra Eimskip Denmark A/S. Vi har i fællesskab og ved hjælp af godt samarbejde, formået at få projektet op og køre på kort tid og på tværs af landegrænser.


Web news, December 2020:

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

At PICit we want to thank all of you for the year that went by, although it has been a year filled with challenges. Our employees have been working from home and the physical meetings have been replaced by online meetings. In 2021 we hope to improve our Microsoft Teams skills even more and be able to arrange online workshops, with our customers and business relations.

We are proud to inform that we will continue our growth and in 2021 we will look forward to welcoming more new colleagues. 

This year we have chosen to support Aarhus Hjælper, which is a local charity, that grants financial support to socially marginalized children and adults (www.aarhushjaelper.dk). 

Finally, we want to wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Web news, December 2020:

PICit & Customs Service

Hos PICit er vi stolte over at kunne fortælle, at vi i oktober gik i luften med en ny kunde, Customs Service, som nu anvender vores told-modul til import og eksport tolddokumenter.

I forbindelse med opstarten har vi spurgt de ansatte hos Customs Service, hvad de synes om PICit og vores systemer. Nedenfor kan du læse et uddrag af svarene:

Hvorfor valgte I PICit?
Vi kendte til PICit i forvejen og det er efter vores opfattelse en serviceorienteret virksomhed, der sikrer, at kunderne får en god oplevelse. Kommunikationen med PICit har altid været præget af ærlighed, åbenhed samt en vilje, der er smittende.

Hvordan synes I PICit adskiller sig fra konkurrerende virksomheder?
Opfølgning og engagement er i top hos PICit, hvilket vi sjældent oplever i samme grad hos andre leverandører.
God service, imødekommende og hurtig respons.

Hvordan synes I opstartsfasen med PICit har været?
Den har helt klart været overvejende positiv, på trods af de udfordringer, der er forbundet med at være en nyopstartet virksomhed med mange bolde i luften. Der har været en exceptionel opfølgning fra hele PIC-teamet og vi har altid følt os hørt, selv ved særligt toldtekniske udfordringer.

Hvordan påvirker brugen af PIC jeres daglige arbejdsgang?
Her i opstartsfasen er det en kombination af at gøre vores arbejdsgang både hurtigere og langsommere, men i det lange løb forventer vi helt klart at PIC vil blive et rent effektiviseringsværktøj. PIC hjælper med at samle alle vores forskelligartede opgaver i samme system, hvilket gør både fremsøgning af sager, afregning og statistik nemmere. Generelt er systemet nemt, overskueligt og brugervenligt.

Hvordan oplever I PICit’s kundeservice?
Vi er positivt overrasket over responstiden og tilbagemeldingerne – de sidder altid klar til at hjælpe. Man føler der bliver taget hånd om sagen, uanset om det er en haste-opgave eller et ønske til en fremtidig ændring. Selv når et problem ikke kan løses med det samme, er kommunikationen hurtig og klar, hvilket gør udvekslingen meget bedre.

Hos PICit er vi meget taknemmelige for denne tilbagemelding, og vi er stolte af, at vi sammen har formået at lykkes med dette projekt, på trods af diverse Corona-udfordringer.


Web news, July 2020:

//English below

Nye initiativer i PICmobile!

Da der fra chaufførerne har været stor efterspørgsel efter muligheden for at kunne vælge mellem Engelsk og Dansk som sprogmulighed i Mobile Self Gate programmet på PICmobile, har vi hos PICit udviklet sprogvalg.

For at kunne støtte chaufførerne bedst muligt, bliver det derfor fremadrettet muligt for den enkelte chauffør at vælge mellem Engelsk og Dansk i Mobile Self Gate programmet.

I den forbindelse er det vigtigt for os at understrege, at der ikke er ændret ved funktionaliteten i Mobile Self Gate programmet, men at der blot er tale om en forbedring af brugeroplevelsen.

Ydermere har du måske bemærket at PICmobile applikationen har gennemgået en visuel opdatering, for at forbedre læsevenligheden.

Skulle du have spørgsmål i forbindelse med implementeringen af den nye sprogmulighed, er du mere end velkommen til at kontakte vores Support.

Hos PICit ønsker vi alle en god sommer!


New initiatives in PICmobile!

We have received several requests from drivers regarding the opportunity to choose between English and Danish languages in the Mobile Self Gate programme on PICmobile. Therefore, we are proud to announce that this is now in production.

To be able to support the drivers in the best possible way, it will prospectively be possible for each driver to choose between English and Danish in the Mobile Self Gate programme.

In relation to the development of this initiative, it is important to us to underline that no functionalities or features have been changed in the Mobile Self Gate programme. It is solely an improvement of the user experience.

Moreover, you might have noticed that the PICmobile application has been visually updated to improve the reader-friendliness.

If you have any questions regarding the new language opportunity, feel free to contact our Support.

At PICit we wish you a great summer!


Web news, April 2020:

From Project to Operation

Back in August we revealed that PICit A/S entered into a new cooperative agreement with Banedanmark, regarding the delivery of a new IT system. The system will be used for surveillance of transport of goods and special dangerous goods on the Danish rail network and will provide access to real-time information.

During the past 8 months, our Project Team has been working very hard on developing the system. Therefore, we are very proud to inform, that the project will be going into operation as of today.

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO at PICit A/S, states: “At PICit A/S we are very proud of this project. Now we are moving into the next phase and the Project Team will hypercare the GO-Live process. I am proud of our PICit Team, who are monitoring the GO-Live, even though our Corona-plan is active, and we work from several different locations.”

Jarl Svane Fløe, Senior Project Manager at Banedanmark, states: ”Banedanmark is very excited about the new RID solution. The cooperation with PICit has been easy and painless. PICit has contributed with many innovative inputs for the solution and has been proactive in relation to making sure that both railway undertakings and Banedanmark get a solution that works optimally for all parties.”


Web news, December 2019:

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

We are proud to inform that PICit has grown to 26 employees. In 2019 we have welcomed 4 new colleagues. In 2020, we will continue the growth and our workshops together with customers and relations.

Finally, we want to wish all our business relations and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Web news, October 2019:

PICit Support Workshop

Tuesday and Wednesday this week we invited our customers to join our workshops about new and basic functions in PIC. Birthe from our Support was the facilitator, teaching and answering questions from the participants.

We thank all of you from the different companies for taking an active share in the workshops!

We plan to arrange more workshops in the future, so keep an eye on our News site for further information.


Web news, August 2019:

Banedanmark and PICit A/S in new cooperative agreement

We are proud to announce that as of July 12th, 2019, PICit A/S has entered into an agreement with Banedanmark regarding the delivery of a new RID system. The RID system is to be used for surveillance of transport of goods and special dangerous goods on the Danish rail network and will be developed as a Software as a Service solution, focusing on the importance of access to real-time information.

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO at PICit A/S, states: “At PICit A/S we are very proud to be chosen as supplier of the new RID system to Banedanmark. We look forward to working close with Banedanmark in the future, ensuring a smooth and highly efficient flow of both transport and information.”

Jarl Svane Fløe, Senior Project Manager at Banedanmark, states: “Banedanmark is pleased that we have found a supplier of our new IT system, which has extensive experience from the transport industry in the Nordic region.”


Web news, August 2018:

Skagen Stevedore is using PIC TOS

Skagen Stevedore started using PIC TOS 18. August 2018, PICit was onsite to monitor the Go-Live. The implementation of PIC TOS started with a Vessel Operation where operational functions from Mobile Tablet Truck to Mobile Tablet Foreman was used to ensure a Real-Time Move reporting to the Customers. All bookings and vessel data were automatically prepared via EDI.

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO PICit A/S, states “We have worked very close with Skagen Stevedore and their customers to prepare the system. All parties are integrated via EDI and Haulage Companies have access to Mobile SelfGate via smartphone. We are proud to be chosen as TOS Supplier to Skagen Stevedore.”.

Søren Hansen, Terminal Manager, states “We are very excited that we chose PICit as TOS supplier. We have received great support during the start-up process and we are now enjoying PICit’s system which is user-friendly and flexible.”.


Web news, March 2017:

Green Cargo and PICit

Green Cargo launches a new IT system, PICit, encompassing the company’s entire domestic rail traffic in Norway. The launch began with the Alnabru — Trondheim railway route in mid-March. Green Cargo now has standardized, digital working methods for bookings to deliveries that facilitate status updates for customers’ freight wagons and units. A key component of the launch is that Green Cargo can now offer both online and EDI bookings including track & trace.

“In response to customer demands for Bane NOR, formerly Jernbaneverket, and Green Cargo to modernize our procedures, we chose a digital solution with PICit to replace our previous procedures based on Excel. Our new IT system provides an improved interface for online and EDI bookings with a track & trace system that shows the location status of our customers’ units in the transportation chain. Bane NOR’s requirements included a more reliable system that facilitates the traceability of our rail freight, and which we can now ensure,” says Helena Wetterwik, Senior Project Manager and Project Leader at Green Cargo.

The IT system will compile all transportation and freight data and make it accessible for all parties in the transportation chain — from booking, planning trains, matching train capacity, terminal handling services, invoicing and follow-up. It will manage and control the information flow from the moment the goods leave the sender until their arrival at the recipient.

“This development project has been particularly successful thanks to the excellent collaboration between Green Cargo and PICit. Every procedure, from bookings, storage and terminal operations, disposition and operation of rail transportation to invoicing is now supported by a system in which PICit’s modules have been integrated in real-time into one single Software as a Service solution. Over and above the internal operative and administrative advantages, the system also integrates with other systems, which is an additional gain for Green Cargo, its customers and their operating environment. We are very proud that this system is now operational and we look forward to continuing the positive partnership with Green Cargo,” says Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO of PICit.

All the personnel — forklift operators, train drivers and administrative staff in Norway now use the new system. Green Cargo’s customers also receive a short demo on how to make bookings and follow status updates.

“The greatest impacts and gains from using PICit for Green Cargo is that we can provide our customers with online and EDI bookings including track & trace, and that it provides us with better internal control,” Helena Wetterwik concludes.

Web news, October 2016:

CMP and PICit in new collaboration agreement

Copenhagen Malmö Port, CMP, and PICit are entering into a new agreement whereby PICit will supply the PIC TOS logistics system to CMP.

”We are delighted to be able to announce the new agreement with CMP. We have wanted to supply PIC TOS to CMP for some time as it is of major significance to our mutual customers, who will benefit greatly from the agreement. PICit and CMP have already worked closely together in connection with the implementation of SOLAS / VGM at CMP. I am eagerly looking forward to continuing to develop this excellent partnership”, says PICit A/S’s CEO Henrik Højen Andersen.

The fundamental idea behind PIC TOS is to collect all information about transports/loads and make it available for all parties in the transport chain.

”It is important for CMP to find a supplier and a system which links together our processes and those of our customers. We know from experience that PICit meets the high level of requirements that CMP places on professionalism, quality and speed. They have detailed knowledge of both our operations and those of our customers, as well as of the prevailing conditions for the container operation in Scandinavia. This means that PICit has great understanding of how we want to work”, says Jacob Fogh, Terminal manager, Port & Terminal Operations at CMP in Copenhagen.

”The project to implement PIC TOS is already under way, the plan is to go live in late November 2016. CMP and PICit will together set a more specific date in early November. A large number of parties are affected by a TOS implementation, and it is important that we have an effective transition from the implementation project to it becoming operational so that it satisfies all parties involved”, Henrik Højen Andersen concludes.

For further information, contact:

Henrik Højen Andersen, CEO
Sales and Customer Services, PICit A/S Tel. +45 87 30 80 20

Jacob Fogh, Terminal manager
Port & Terminal Operations, Copenhagen Malmö Port Tel. +45 3546 1307


Web news, April 2016:

PICit has developed a new VGM Activity which can be used from two different platforms

The different platforms include:

  • As an integrated activity in PIC Terminal Operating System (TOS)
  • As the stand-alone solution PIC mobile VGM Module

The VGM activity is fully integrated into the existing PIC EDI Environment including the new VERMAS EDIFACT message.

See the VGM solutions by PICit A/S here:



Web news, February 2016:

PICit A/S changes ownership

PICit A/S provides “Software as a Service” with a mission of creating functional logistic solutions for all parties in the chain of transport. PICit A/S wishes to maintain and develop its position as an attractive supplier for its existing and future customers.

Aarhus Service Holding A/S, former Cargo Service Holding A/S, has for some time considered how to develop PICit A/S further in the best possible way in order for the company to continue providing its many customers with superior solutions.

”PICit’s senior employees took up the challenge and short and flexible negotiations have resulted in the sale of the company to PICit Holding ApS owned by Karsten Gitter, Stig Skaarup and Henrik Højen Andersen. Seller has focused on stability and continuity for customers and employees and this sale completely fulfils this wish”, the Chairman for Aarhus Service Holding A/S and PICit A/S, Søren Halsted, states.

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